GDPR in the hire industry – 5 of your questions answered

04 January 2018

GDPR in the hire industry – 5 of your questions answered

For hire companies all over Europe, there is an underlying panic about GDPR regulations that everyone needs to change their data and privacy processes and are just not prepared for what is to come. Fortunately, GDPR isn’t something we should be afraid of. Instead rental companies across Europe should be embracing it and welcoming the good practice it encourages. Although before we can do that…we need to understand exactly what it is!

What is GDPR?
By definition, GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation. It will affect all businesses offering goods or services to consumers in the EU. In brief, it means that we are all going to have to adhere to much stricter and safer ways of storing and using personal data. 

What happens if I ignore the new GDPR?
Penalties for not abiding by the new data protection rules can rack up to €20million or 4% of your annual revenues.

What counts as personal data?
This really can be anything that makes someone identifiable. National insurance numbers, email addresses, bank details, medical records…the list goes on. Personal data really is any information that narrows down who a person is. For instance, the name Joe Bloggs could be anyone. But if you know Joe’s name AND his telephone number, you have data that narrows down who he is – therefore you have his personal data in your hire system. 

So what do I have to do? 
Get consent and keep proof of it! It really is as simple as YES or NO. Don’t pre-tick boxes for your rental customers, don’t assume silence means yes – get a real answer from them, an answer you haven’t forced or influenced. 

How long do I have before this law is put into effect?
Not long. GDPR comes into force from 25th May 2018, but you need to act now. The more you can do before the 25th May, the better. 

Our advice: stop worrying about the new GDPR, there are lots of ways to make sure you are remaining compliant, you just need to know what they are. MCS Rental Software has written a white paper with more information on how it will affect you and ways you can make sure your hire business is doing everything it can to prepare for the new rules.

We've provided you with 6 easy steps to undertake after which you’ll be well on your way to meeting the new GDPR. Download it now: 

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