MCS Rental Software offers electronic signatures via SMS text message

31 January 2025

MCS Rental Software offers electronic signatures via SMS text message

MCS Rental Software launches the ability for rental companies to request electronic signatures using its eSign functionality via SMS text messages.

MCS eSign has long been used by rental companies using MCS Rental Software, which saved countless hours of chasing for signed quotes, contracts, equipment damage notifications and more. Rental companies could obtain digitally signed agreements between them and their customers without requiring printing, signing, scanning and attaching documents to emails. The latest upgrade to MCS Rental Software’s eSign solution now means that rental companies can send electronic signature requests via SMS, making it easier still to get those all-important signatures. Nick Thomson, MCS Sales Director, explains,

“We already had great feedback from customers who could get legally binding agreements between them and their clients. However, it's not all office-based in the real world of equipment rental. Realistically, people are out and about on-site or in the yard, not sitting at a computer ready to digitally sign and return documents. Now, with the ability to send eSign requests via SMS, end-users can sign those documents on the move from their mobile phones.”

Too often, the barrier to obtaining digital signatures was that site managers were not at their desks, or simply heading to a computer to sign a document wasn’t a top priority. Being able to pick up a link from a text message and then sign from a mobile phone has sped up the process for end-users, speeding up the process for rental companies to get equipment out on hire to their customers. Nick concludes,

“Ultimately, many of our customers all have the joint mission of trying to provide the best customer experience and the speediest and most efficient rental service. By making it easier than ever to capture digital signatures, our customers can get their equipment to site faster than ever.”

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